lørdag 18. mars 2017

Tournament: Internal Affairs IX

I have been mostly away traveling to GDC since the previous previous 2D6 club tournament, so I have only few changes to the lists. Nemo3 is the same list as last time, and Maddox has traded in a Stormclad for dual Chargers.

This time the club tournament was open for outsiders, so we had a full 32 man tournament. We has couple of visiting Swedes, and also people from Gjøvik, Porsgrunn and Kongsberg. Always nice to see some new faces!

The games are underway! 16 tables. :D

The Games

Round #1: Maddox vs Stryker1
Round #2: Nemo3 vs Vayl2
Round #3: Nemo3 vs McBain
Round #4: Nemo3 vs Makeda1

Major Beth Maddox (75 points)

Objective: Bunker
Theme; Storm Division

Major Beth Maddox (Maddox1)
* Squire
* 2x Charger
* Ironclad
* Stormclad
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Arlan Strangewayes
Major Katherine Laddermore
Stormblade Captain
5+5 Storm Lances
6 Stormblades
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard

Artificer General Nemo (75 points)

Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Finch (Nemo3)

* Squire
* Dynamo
* 2x Firefly
* Lancer
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Major Katherine Laddermore
5+5 Storm Lances

Final Standings

Relaxing between the rounds


The finals game between Jarle and Hans is on Courage of Caspia! Hans' lists were Makeda1 and Makeda2, you can check them out below.

Archdomina Makeda

Archdomina Makeda - WB: +29
-    Molik Karn - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)
-    Titan Gladiator - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 10)

Mortitheurge Willbreaker - PC: 4
Tyrant Rhadeim - PC: 9
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor - PC: 5
Wrong Eye - Wrong Eye & Snapjaw: 17
-    Snapjaw

Legends of Halaak - Valgesh, CIdaar & J'Deth: 8
Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Praetorian Ferox - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - Leader & 1 Grunt: 2

Supreme Archdomina Makeda

Supreme Archdomina Makeda - WB: +27
-    Basilisk Krea - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
-    Despoiler - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)

Mortitheurge Willbreaker - PC: 4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - PC: 4
Tyrant Rhadeim - PC: 9
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor - PC: 5

Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Praetorian Ferox - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Praetorian Ferox - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer - Tyrant & Bearer: 6
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - Leader & 1 Grunt: 2

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