onsdag 29. mars 2017

Battle Report #89: Sloan vs Ossrum

Today seems to be the day for trying out new stuff. After the previous Caine2 vs Stryker2 match, I borrow Kara Sloan and three Hunters from Jarle. I have been have huge problems with dealing with Ossrum and the Gunbunnies. I think I have lost every game I have played against them so far. Kara Sloan should have some game into it.

I have actually never played Sloan before, so I apologize in advance for this battle report. Really. You should go read something else. I'm warning you. This is a waste of time.

Captain Kara Sloan (75 points)

Theme: Heavy Metal
Objective: Bunker

Captain Kara Sloan (Sloan1)
* Squire
* Stormwall
* 5x Hunter
Journeyman Warcaster
* Charger
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Archduke Alain Runewood

General Ossrum (75 points)

General Ossrum (Ossrum1)
* Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator
* 2x Ghordson Driller
* 2x Grundback Blaster
* 8x Grundback Gunner
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios (Eiryss1)
2x Horgenholdt Artillery Corps


Still here? Well, don't say you were not warned.

Ossrum wins the die roll and elects to go first.

Round 1

Ossrum feats and everything runs up.

I am unsure about what to do. Feat into his feat and kill 3, maybe 4 bunnies? Or wait a turn and see what I can do then? I elect to wait and take some shots. I cripple 2 bunnies.

Round 2

Ossrum proceeds to go into his zone and blast away three Hunters

I feat, but I am already severely down on attrition, and I am also being pressured hard on scenario. I take out a couple of bunnies but it will not be enough.


It's obviously lost, so we just stop here. I will lose both the remaining Hunters, and there is no way I can contest both zones or deal enough damage from now on.

Ossrum wins!

Post Mortem

Out of three plays I choose the worst one. I did have one play I did not think about at all - move the Stormwall next to a forest to block line of sight to all my Hunters and then pull the Hunters back. This list can do very little damage to the Stormwall, and that could have left all my Hunters alive for a ball busting feat on the next turn.

So, I got totally tabled, but a valuable lesson learned. I think Sloan looks pretty good now, I have ordered 3 Hunters and Sloan from Outland! Maybe she will replace Nemo3 in my pairing.

tirsdag 28. mars 2017

Battle Report #88: Caine2 vs Stryker2

Jarle wanted to try out some experimental Cygnar builds and test them in the mirror, so both of these lists are his design. I am a big Caine2 fan, but the 2017v1 nerf on him was really hard. I was not able to find any good lists for him. Jarle thought that maybe Heavy Metal could give Caine2 the volume he wants. Caine2 does not himself do much for the list, but he still has a respectable damage output, and Grievous Wounds is still a useful ability.

Captain Allister Caine (75 points)

Theme: Heavy Metal

Captain Allister Caine (Caine2)
* Squire
* Ace
* Stormwall
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Journeyman Warcaster
* Hunter
* Hunter
Lieutenant Allison Jakes
* Hunter
* Stormclad

Lord Commander Stryker (75 points)

Theme: Storm Division

Lord Commander Stryker (Stryker2)
* Squire
* Lancer
* Ol' Rowdy
Major Katherine Laddermore
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Stormblade Captain
2x5 Storm Lances
6 Stormblade Infantry
* Office & Standard
* 2x Storm Gunner


I go first. I place the Stormwall and Stormclad to walk up to the zone. Hunters go on the left and right.

Stryker2 deploys in a long long line.

Round 1

I move up.

Stryker2's swarm of dudes fill the board. He casts Deceleration and the right flank Lances get Arcane Shield.

Round 2

Dudes with Deceleration are pretty solid. I kill a Lance and a couple of Blades. Stormwall backs out in order to not take the Lance charge. My dice are poor, but still.

Laddermore charges Caine but misses. Caine dodges back. Stryker caps the flag. My Hunters get pinned down by Lances.


Round 3

I cripple Ol'Rowdy and clear away some dudes. I fail to contest but it does not matter at his point.


Stryker goes super saiyan and murders my Stormwall for shits and giggles.


Evil Cygnar wins by scenario!

Post Mortem

I am not good enough at playing with the Stormwall. Jarle tends to keep his jacks closer together so that the Stormwall can block vision and movement to them. I will try to do that the next time!

I am not sure if I really like the Caine2 list. Caine can pew pew, but that's pretty much the only thing he does here. Against high ARM models his pew pew is not so good. I feel that a solid support caster like Stryker1 will probably run a similar list a whole lot better, and Sloan has a lot more punch.

I don't think the list is bad, either. It deserves some more games to determine if it is good or not. It felt good to field Caine2 again, though!

Jarle has, of course, also written a battle report about the same match.

mandag 27. mars 2017

Battle Report #87: Maddox vs Gunnbjorn

Once again, up early on Sunday morning for some WARMACHINE. For the first game, I am facing Mats playing Gunnbjorn. I have faced him once with Caine2 before, which was terrible. Maddox is not as reliant on shooting.

Major Beth Maddox (75 points)

I have just glued Brickhouse together, so I decided to give him a spin. I also replaced the Ironclad with a Hammersmith. And Arlan with 2 Storm Gunners. It's try out new models day!

Objective: Bunker
Theme Force: Storm Divison

Major Beth Maddox (Maddox1)
* Squire
* Brickhouse
* Hammersmith
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Major Katherine Laddermore
Stormblade Captain
2x5 Storm Lances
6 Stormblades
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
* 2x Storm Gunner

Captain Gunnbjorn (75 points)

Mats is channeling his inner whelp

One real danger with facing this list is just dying to random sprays and shots. POW 16 sprays are lethal, and Gunnbjorn has some solid threat ranges.

Objective: Fuel Cache
Theme Force: The Power of Dhunia

Captain Gunnbjorn (Gunnbjorn1)
* Dire Troll Bomber
* Dozer & Smigg
* Earthborn Dire Troll
* Mountain King
Janissa Stonetide
2x Northkin Shaman
4 Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
* Stone Scribe Elder
Dhunian Knot


I win the roll and decide to go first. We deploy, and then I got a frantic call from my wife telling me she had left the coffee machine on.

One hour later, the game continues.

Round 1

I start largely outside his threat ranges. Stormblades minifeat, but that was probably a turn too early. I should have waited till next turn.

A Storm Lance was too close to the Bomber and dies. A Stormblade is sprayed away. Gunnbjorn feats.

Round 2

I jam in a couple of Lances to try to delay him a bit. Maddox toes into the zone and camps a lot.

Mountain King Kill Shots Maddox for 8 damage. Dhunian Knot is so good in this list. Rerolling poor damage rolls at will makes this so much more dangerous!

Gunnbjorn fails to contest, which makes me pretty happy. If I can just keep that Mountain King out of my zone, and not die, I am pretty sure to win by scenario.


Round 3

I feat and both my heavies go into the Mountain King, who dies. Some charging Stormblades finish off Dozer. I charge one Storm Lance into each heavy to try to stop them for getting into zones.


Gunnbjorn with Puppet Master manages to hit Maddox with a shot, but no crit. I am down to 5 boxes. A whelp runs in to contest the right zone.

Round 4

I kill the Bomber and clear the zone. Brickhouse moves into my zone to remove the Earthborn next turn if he runs in to contest.


One last ditch attempt from Gunnbjorn to kill me. Maddox is slammed out of the zone, but lives at 2 boxes.

Gunnbjorn cannot prevent me from killing the objective and capping my zone next turn, so we call it a game.


Cygnar wins by scenario!

Post Mortem

One thing I definitely should have played differently would have been to cast Dauntless Resolve or Arcane Shield over on Maddox. I was already doing great on attrition, so why risk dying to a lucky spike?

I felt I played this one correctly. It's much easier for me to contest and clear zones, and since the Mountain King has no threat extenders and I can one round it, my heavies can just keep him out of my zone.

Brickhouse was actually pretty good here. Carapace helped a lot against this ranged heavy army.

A challenge for this Gunnbjorn list might be the low volume of attacks. One spray, two Bomber bombs, a Bombard shot and Bazooka are 5 really hard hitting shots, but I have so many solid models it's hard to remove enough.

I like that Gunnbjorn list, and the feat is crazy good against most other Cygnar lists. It definitely felt bad to spend two turns just getting shot at in the beginning, before I could start getting work done. Now I know how all of you non-Cygnar players feel!

onsdag 22. mars 2017

Tactica: Major Beth Maddox

Welcome to my second tactica! This time it's Major Beth Maddox. I have been playing her for a couple of months now, and have been enjoying it immensely.


Maddox is the Cygnar Mk3 battle box caster. She is a mostly melee oriented, and cracks armor really well, which is fairly rare in Cygnar. She has little personal presence herself, so she will probably be fighting from the backline, capping points and buffing her army. Her main strength is a great collection of upkeep spells that buff both jacks and units, as well as a strong melee damage feat. She had no control abilities and little assassination potential, so she is likely at her best played for attrition and grinding the enemy down. Her high Warjack points and good synergy with Storm Division have put her into the top rank of Cygnar warcasters.


The most useful ability on Maddox is that she has Crit Disruption on her Storm Strike. Note that the chance of landing this is lower than you might think. The chance to Crit a DEF 12 jack is not 44% (the chance of rolling doubles on 3D6), but 18% (since quite a lot of those doubles, like all double 1's and double 2's, are misses). You should probably not expose Maddox to land this, but if you can keep her safe then by all means go for it.

Maddox does not want to be in the front lines, which makes Quick Work and Critical Cortex Damage pretty much useless. These abilities can be very occasionally useful in the late game, if there are but a few models left.


Maddox' spell list is pretty much all upkeeps.

Assail gives +2" movement, which is vital to deliver Cygnar melee jacks. If you have multiple melee jacks then it might be a good idea to put one Assail on one of them. Then you can hot swap during the turn to give +2" charge to two jacks. If you run only one melee jacks then you can possibly wait and see if it becomes necessary.

Dauntless Resolve is a fantastic unit buff. You want to cast this on turn one and have it on something pretty much all the game. +3 ARM and Tough is even better than Arcane Shield, the only downside is that you cannot buff a warjack with it. If the game goes long then Maddox herself becomes a good target for this spell, 15/19 gets hard to deal with when there are only a few models left. The spell has great synergy with Storm Blades + Officer, since the unit will become ARM 21, Tough, and immune to Knockdown for one turn.

If you feel your Storm Lances are more important to deliver, and the enemy has shooting that threatens them, then having all ARM 20 Storm Lances might be better.

Electrical Blast is almost useless. Maddox is never going to sport a Lancer, and you have to be dangerously close to the enemy to land this RNG 8 spell. POW 13 AOE 3 with a chance to disrupt is not much for 3 Focus, and if you want to be sure to hit and damage that means spending almost the entire stack. If for some reason you are that close to the enemy, you probably want to camp those 3 Focus instead.

Onslaught is very good. Global Pathfinder on the charge is great, and Maddox is the only one who can do this in a theme force. One big weakness to Cygnar theme forces is having almost no pathfinder, and Maddox fixes this.

Snipe is a good spell. Maddox is not a strong gunline caster, so it's probably not a good idea to base your list on it. It can be cycled on a pair of Chargers or Defenders, or give a unit of Storm Blades or Storm Lances extended threat range.


Maddox' feat is a simple damage boost that gives +3 POW and Beat Back to all melee attacks to models in her Control.

This type of feat gets better the more attacks you can affect with it. This means that armies with a high volume of attacks and higher melee threat ranges will get more mileage out of the feat.

Lists that can remove Maddox' units at range, or that can control the game and delay engagement until she has lost a lot of models, make the feat significantly worse. Try to avoid playing in such a way that only a few units are affected.

Note that the feat affects Mount Attacks, so if you can impact a few models with a charging Storm Lance, then you get more benefit. POW 15 impacts do damage to almost everything. This makes Storm Lances a strong unit to run with Maddox.


Maddox has a good statline, but no defensive tricks at all. Do not play her further up the table than you must. Use cover, and hide behind obstructions. If she gets knocked down she dies fairly quickly. It's usually better to just pretend the abilities on her card do not exist, than to try to get something out of them and die.

Maddox is pretty straight forward and predictable, so the amount of crazy plays you can do are probably fairly limited. The most interesting options are with Stormblade Captain, which can allow you army to do otherwise impossible things. Tactician not only allows you to escape positioning mistakes - it allows you to play your entire army as one huge Storm Knight brick, with ranks upon ranks charging through each other. This completely negates the common play of leaving a few front line melee models while the rest of the army is ready to charge next turn. Laddermore is often the best model to charge with first - she will then be in a good position to buff all the other Storm Lances, and hidden behind a sea of dudes at the end of the turn.

Storm Knights ready to charge through each other

The result of the charge

While Maddox is best in melee, if you out threat your melee army opponent and have stronger shooting, there is nothing wrong with switching gears and playing a gunline for a round or two instead. If you can force your enemy to run in to engage, you are probably having a great time! I have shot heavies right off the table with a barrage of POW16 shots.

Maddox playing gunline and shooting heavies at range

Theme Lists

Storm Division is the obvious choice with her. It allows her to take the best melee units for free points. She can easily take 60 points of Storm Knights for the max bonus, or 40 points with a heavier battlegroup.

Sons of the Tempest has no synergy and is a trash theme anyway. Heavy Metal gives benefits for having a large battlegroup, which she does not support well. Running outside theme seems weak when she can take some of her best options in Storm Division and get another 16 free points to boot.

Army Choices

Maddox is an all round caster and can probably work reasonably well with most models. Her limited Focus pool indicates that she should run a small and efficient battlegroup. She has more and stronger unit buffs than Warjack buffs, and wants a large volume of attacks for her feat. She should therefore run a lot of units.

Army Choices: Essential

Journeyman Warcaster is great for protecting one of Maddox' units, and she allows you to take another of Cygnar's great light ranged warjacks

Squire is important too. Maddox is focus strapped, and having 14" control helps a lot to keep your entire army in the feat.

Major Katherine Laddermore and Storm Lances are not only great models in themselves, but they synergize well with her feat and can be taken in Storm Division.

Stormblade Captain is fantastic when you can get him for free.

Army Choices: Strong

Brickhouse is interesting. The bond can win you games outright if you are lucky enough to crit slam, and Magno Lock can be a terror against Khador and Protectorate 1" melee range heavies. With so many other things to shoot at against Maddox I doubt the Carapace will do much. Brickhouse has less focus efficiency, power and threat than Stormclad, though. If you are playing ADR then he should be a great option.

Ironclad is a good cheap beatstick which is much easier to apply with Assail. Hammersmith has lower threat, but more options for shenanigans.

Stormclad has great focus efficiency since you are probably using a lot of Storm Knights. 12" threat with Assail starts to get into the range where you really start getting the drop on other heavies, and POW 22 under feat with a free charge is enough to kill almost anything smaller than a colossal.

Charger is a good ranged jack that also helps with the Cygnar matchup. A pair are good for Snipe cycling.

Firefly is great with all the assaulting Lightning shots your list is likely to include. He is good on Journeyman Warcaster since he is almost as efficient outside control as within.

Storm Blades are usually not all that great, but Maddox and Storm Division gives them the tools to get up the board, live, and hit like a truck. POW 16 assault shot with Firefly + POW 18 charge is pretty bonkers.

Arlan Strangewayes helps out with Maddox' low Focus, as well as clutch repairs.

Finally, the Stormblades have a home

Army Choices: Optional

These are choices which are more debatable, but can be fun and/or useful.

Centurion and Defender are better jacks when they get more melee threat.

If you are playing out of theme, Trencher Infantry can allow Maddox to play further forward and POW 14 charges are pretty decent under feat. Ragman is great for melee armies.

Acosta is great fun in Storm Division - but he does not benefit from the feat and upkeeps, and since you cannot increase his defense in this list he will probably just charge something and die.

Army Lists

I am pretty sure the Storm Division builds are the strongest now, but I have added some vanilla builds as well.

Major Beth Maddox - Storm Division (75 points)

There are multiple variants here by swapping around jacks in the battlegroup to make it more or less melee focused, swapping Arlan for Acosta, and/or taking some Storm Gunners.

Major Beth Maddox (Maddox1)
* Squire
* 2x Charger
* Ironclad
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Major Katherine Laddermore
Stormblade Captain
2x5 Storm Lances
6 Stormblades
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard

Classic Beth Maddox (75 points)

Use Sniped Trenchers to hide your army while you get it up the table, then use Ragman + the feat to murder stuff.

Major Beth Maddox (Maddox1)
* Squire
* Stormclad
* Stormclad
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Major Katherine Laddermore
5 Storm Lances
10 Trenchers

Maddox & The Devil Dogs (75 points)

Thanks to Timothy Fletcher Baer for this one.

Major Beth Maddox
* Stormclad
* Hammersmith

Major Katherine Laddermore
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
Archduke Alain Runewood, Lord of Fharin
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord

5 Storm Lances
10 Captain Sam MacHorne & the Devil Dogs
* Captain Jonas Murdoch
* Freebooter


Since Maddox is mainly a melee army it's a good idea to pair her with a control caster or a ranged army. I pair her with Nemo3, but Kara Sloan and Haley 2 might be just as good.

tirsdag 21. mars 2017

Battle Report #86: Nemo3 vs Makeda1 (Internal Affairs IX #4)

Last round in the tournament! I face another visiting player - Ole Christian is playing Makeda1. I think that Nemo3 will have a good shot at picking apart the army at range, or force an early defensive feat. Maddox seems more iffy, since Makeda will have an easier time holding the feat until we are engaged.

Artificer General Nemo (75 points)

Objective: Bunker
Theme: Storm Division

Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Finch (Nemo3)
* Squire
* Dynamo
* 2x Firefly
* Lancer
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Major Katherine Laddermore
5+5 Storm Lances

Ole Christian is fit for fight

Archdomina Makeda (75 points)

Archdomina Makeda (Makeda1)
* Basilisk Krea
* Molik Karn
* Titan Gladiator
Mortitheurge Willbreaker
Tyrant Radheim
Legends of Halaak
4 Paingiver Beast Handlers
5 Praetorian Ferox
10 Praetorian Swordsmen
* Praetorian Swordsman Officer & Standard


Makeda goes first. He has skewed heavily towards the left zone, so I place Nemo3 near the left zone. I think my Lances will be able to keep him from scoring for a long time.

 Round 1

His models move up. Quicken goes on the Swordsmen, bringing them up to a decent DEF 15, and with Tough from the Mortitheurge to boot.

My opponent has neglected to measure the threat ranges. Three of the Swordsmen are within 22" of the Lancer, so I switch gears, pull Focus from the Squire, and use all my 8 Focus to cast 2 boosted to hit Chain Lightnings at the Swordsmen. Molik might reach the Lancer, but will get into problems with Control Range and won't be able to Sidestep into Dynamo. I am happy to trade the Lancer for Molik and some Swordsmen anyway.

The net result is that 4 of of the Swordsmen die bottom of 1. A great start!

Round 2

Swordsmen move up. Two Ferox jump on the one Lance I set up as sacrifice, but they fail to break the Arcane Shield. Makeda elects to not feat defensively (if she had, I would probably just have backed out a bit).

Everything is in range so here we go. I feat with Nemo, step into the zone, and the army blasts everything it can. Dynamo solos the Titan Gladiator at range (I elect not go go for Molik due to DEF 13 and Intuition greatly increasing the chance of a broken Multi-Fire chain). I kill two of the Ferox, but my main priority is wiping the left zone since everything is so far away. The Legends, a Swordsman and some Beast Handlers survive.


Round 3

Makeda feats, but has lost too much of her army. I had placed the front Firefly poorly, allowing Molik to side step around and also kill Dynamo. I lose a few Storm Lances but I have a lot of army left.

Again my main priority is to clear the poorly defended left flank, The Legends go down, and the rest of the support is engaged and unlikely to be able to contest. I cast Lightning Shroud on the Lancer and it murders Molik. Good Lancer!


Round 4

Makeda cannot contest.


Cygnar wins by scenario!

Post Mortem

My opponent made some mistakes which helped me a lot here. Makeda should have been closer to the center so that she could cover the left zone better. Usually a heavy skew play is dangerous when going first, since your opponent might get some opportunities.

I think that Nemo3 is pretty good in this matchup. Even if Makeda has sick threat ranges, Nemo's shooting threathens further, and Nemo3 feat turn annihilates all these low ARM models. Possibly I would have had bigger problems if he had done a heavier center push and feated - everything would have been covered, and he would have had better scenario pressure.

søndag 19. mars 2017

Battle Report #85: Nemo3 vs MacBain (Internal Affairs IX #3)

After two tense close games in Internal Affairs IX I get to face a caster I haven't played in Mk3 before: Drake MacBain! Nico has recently ditched Retribution for Mercenaries and has a result he is much happier and well-balanced person with less critical sodium levels. His new list is McBain, a bunch of dudes, and Galleon.

MacBain seems quite interesting. His feat makes a number of dudes immortal for a turn. Combined with a rolling smoke wall to advance behind it's going to be hard to shoot him away before he can jam, and Countermeasure is pretty good against all the Cygnar shooting!

I decide to pick Nemo3 to see if I can manage to clear his dude swarm with all my lightning generators, and maybe I can shoot away the Galleon with Dynamo. I think shooting at the stuff that is not protected by the feat is going to be key, and Nemo3 clears more dudes faster than Maddox does.

Artificer General Nemo (75 points)

Objective: Bunker
Theme: Storm Division

Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Finch (Nemo3)
* Squire
* Dynamo
* 2x Firefly
* Lancer
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Major Katherine Laddermore
5+5 Storm Lances

Drake MacBain (75 points)

Nico and his mercenaries!

Theme: The Kingmaker's Army

Drake MacBain (MacBain1)
* Galleon
Dirty Meg
Kell Bailoch
Orin Midwinter
Stannis Brocker
10 Steelhead Halberdiers
5+5 Steelhead Cavalry
10 Trencher Infantry


Unfortunately Nico wins the roll to go first. I would have loved to claim more table space, but well. Since I haven't played this before just I do a standard deployment with Lances on both flanks, and the battle group in the centre.

Round 1

Trenchers cloud up and all the Steelheads hide behind the cloud wall. Kell runs behind a bug rock. Failsafe goes on the Galleon, because where else would it go?

I decide to push a bit on both sides and see what he does. Arcane shielded Storm Lances are hard for him to just shoot away. I run one Lance up on the left and leap off it with the Firefly, unfortunately only killing one Trencher. The right side goes better, one Electrified Lance runs to within 4" of Kell and I kill him with a Lightning Generator from another Firefly.

I also cast Magnetic Field to protect my jacks from Galleon pulls.

Round 2

MacBain feats and the jamming Heavy Cavalry with Countermeasures are up in my grill. The right side Trenchers also become immune.

I send in a few Lances on the left flank and start killing infantry. Of course I cannot do much to the jammers, but I knock most of them down. A Storm Lance tries to jam back the Galleon.

Round 3

Steelheads charge in and I now have lost 6 of my Lances. Attrition is not going well.


I feat with Nemo and fire at him with Dynamo. Unfortunately I have lost a lot of models before my feat turn, so I do not kill nearly enough. I need to get Nemo3 away from that thing so that it cannot run in and Jackhammer me to death. I move Nemo3 back into the killbox.


Round 4

My center gets destroyed by charging infantry.


I charge Dynamo into Galleon but he lives at 3 boxes.


Mercenaries win by scenario!

Post Mortem

Wow, that was rough. Countermeasures is nasty against Storm Lances, since it prevents them from assaulting! When the unit with Countermeasures is unkillable under feat it becomes even nastier. Possibly I could have done something about the placement of my army, so that he could not have reached me with his charging Halberdiers after his feat turn. The model count is not *that* different at the end of the game, so even if it felt rather uphill I think it might have been a fairly even matchup.

lørdag 18. mars 2017

Battle Report #84: Nemo3 vs Vayl2 (Internal Affairs IX #2)

After getting grinded down by Jarle in first previous match in Internal Affairs IX, I face a visiting player!

I like Nemo3 into Legion. The high damage shooting on feat turn roasts Legion heavies. Main issue with Nemo3 against Vayl2 is keeping him un-assassinated.

Sigurd's list is in the new Legion theme, Oracles of Annihilation, that is soon about to be released!

Artificer General Nemo (75 points)

Objective: Bunker
Theme: Storm Division

Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Finch (Nemo3)
* Squire
* Dynamo
* 2x Firefly
* Lancer
Journeyman Warcaster
* Firefly
Major Katherine Laddermore
5+5 Storm Lances

Sigurd and his good lookin' purple dragons

Vayl, Consul of Everblight (75 points)

Objective: Effigy of Valor
Theme: Oracles of Annihilation

Vayl, Consul of Everblight (Vayl2)
* Succubus
* Archangel
* Carnivean
* Naga Nightlurker
* Nephilim Bolt Thrower
3x Spell Martyr
2x Blighted Nyss Shepherd
2x The Forsaken
Blackfrost Shard


I win the die roll. My idea here is to put Nemo3 behind the wall, shoot everything I can, and hopefully have him survive the inevitable assassination run.

Round 1

I forget about Apparition on the Seraph, which means I leave the Electrified Lances too close. Force Field goes up on Nemo3 and Lightning Shroud on one of the Fireflies.

Only one Storm Lance is killed, though, since my opponent makes a mistake with the order of activation and uses Chasten only after the Blessed Seraph attacks. Another Lance falls to the Bolt Thrower on the other side.

Vayl2 has placed herself base to base with the Archangel. Siguard notices and moves in all the solos he can as well, to soak up some leaps.

Round 2

Nemo3 feats and goes to town. I arc two Chain Lightnings at the Archangel first. Then the Archangel is shot off the table by Dynamo. I do not manage to kill the Seraph, though, it lives at 9 boxes. The Bolt Thrower is also badly hurt.

But... I am camping only 1 focus. In hindsight I should only have cast 1 Chain Lightning.

Vayl feats. A path is clared for the Seraph but it is not able to get all the way around the wall. DEF 18 is enough, Vayl does not land all her spells, and I am standing on 3 boxes afterwards.


Round 3

I proceed to murder everything. Only Vayl2 and one of the Blackfrist Shard are left on the table. Nemo camps 7 Focus.


Vayl channels spells through the last guy, but again it is not enough. I am left on a single box!


Cygnar wins on scenario!

Post Mortem

Clearly it was a mistake to not camp 4 Focus, but I was lucky and lived. Vayl2 can almost always get an angle and since I can get so much up on attrition on the feat, it's just dumb to not play safe.