I am playing my future team-mate in an upcoming team tournament at 2D6, Merete. It's the first game we play against each other.
Major Beth Maddox (75 points)
Theme: Storm Division
Major Beth Maddox (Maddox1)
* Squire
* 2x Charger
* Ironclad
Journeyman Warcaster

Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Major Katherine Laddermore
Stormblade Captain
2x5 Storm Lances
6 Stormblades
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Maelok the Dreadbound (75 points)
Theme: Blindwater Congregation
Maelok the Dreadbound (Maelok1)
* 2x Blackhide Wrastler
* Blind Walker
* Bull Snapper
* Swamp Horror
2x Gatorman Witch Doctor
Swamp Gobber Chef
2x5 Gatorman Posse
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Round 1
I move up so that I am a bit outside run-to-engage range. Maddox casts Onslaught, since the center is full of scenery.
Maelok flanks wide with both posse. I think that is a mistake against a more maneoverable list like mine that also shoots harder. Better to go in and force the issue, rather than risk several turns of gunfire and/or have units far away from the action. Left flank Posse get Death Pact.
Round 2
I think that I maybe can take out the left hand Wrastler without feating, but I leave it at two boxes. I kill all the Posse I can reach, and jam in a few Lances (which is pointless, due to Maelok's feat).
In hindsight I should either have feated and ensured the Heavy kill, or just stayed a bit back and taken a round of shooting.
Maelok feats. The left flank Posse are blocked out by their own forest, and without Posse the attack volume is too low. I lose most of the left side Lances but have a ton of stuff left and the right hand side.
Round 3
I feat. The Ironclad goes in and slams the right hand Wrastler and Maelok to the ground. Together with some Charger shots both the heavies die. On the right hand side, Lances and Stormblades clear out almost everything. The Captain caps the center flag.
Maddox is outside the threat ranges and there is not much Maelok can do at this point. Maelok spends all his fury doing as much damage as he can.
The Chargers take aim and execute poor Maelok.
Post Mortem
This was a new list for Merete, and she forgot to use Mortality (and Venom sprays are great against Stormblades)!
I think this matchup is in Maddox' favor. I outthreat the list both in range and melee, and my feat punches through Maelok's feat. I would think the list is better against other Cygnar lists that rely more heavily on shooting. Removing 8 box ARM 16-20 Posse is not easy at range, and Minions punch really hard when they get in with the +5 POW swing from Rage + Mortality.
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